Dori Schwanger is starting her eighth year at Derry Preschool. She has been married to her husband Jeff for 26 years and has three children. Cody is 24 years old and a graduate of California University of PA, Abigail is 20 years old and in her third year of college HAAC/Millersville and Shane is 14 years old and in 8th grade at Hershey Middle School. She enjoys working with and designing flowers, and is a youth advisor with her husband at her Church.
Share your “love”!
- Cover Credit Card Fees $2.00
- We Are Thankful $25.00
- We Love Derry Preschool! $50.00
- Our family has been so blessed with the “LOVE of Learning” Derry Preschool has shared with our child(ren) $100.00
- We want to help Derry Preschool “Share an even greater LOVE of Learning” with the children of the school. $150.00
- We want to help Derry Preschool continue to “Share a LOVE of Learning” with the children in our community for years to come. $250.00