Q? Where do I sign my child up for DP’s enrichment/extended day programs?
Sign-up sheets are located at Parent’s Place. You are required to sign up your child for all activities except early bird drop-off. Sign up a day or two in advance, please.
Early Bird |
$5 |
Daily: 8:15 – 9:00 am |
Late Bird |
$5 |
Daily: 11:30- 12 noon |
Lunch Bunch |
$15 |
Daily: 11:30 -12:45 pm |
KickStart |
$25 |
Daily: 12:45 – 3:15 pm |
Creative Enrichment |
Varies by class |
Wednesdays |
Q? Where is Parent’s Place?
Parent’s Place is located beside the purple room in the middle of the classroom hallway (in the alcove beside the purple room).
Q? How old does my child need to be to attend an enrichment program?
Your child must qualify for the 3yo, 4yo, and 5yo classes to be able to attend the enrichment programs.
Q? Can my child attend an enrichment program on a day he/she is not going to class?
YES. Please make sure you sign him/her up in the Paren’t Place before hand.
Q? If I forget to sign my child up for an enrichment program and I want them to attend the next day, what do I do?
Email the DP office (derrypreschool@gmail.com) and express your interest in your child attending the next day. Please specify: Child’s name, Activity(s) & Form of payment. Do not forget to sign your child up at Parent’s Place that morning!
Q? Do Enrichment Programs ever “fill up”?
Yes. While we do accommodate sign-ups that morning, we cannot guarantee there will be space in Kickstart or other programs. This is how we offer small teacher-to-student ratios.
If you want a guaranteed spot in Kickstart, please sign up a day or two beforehand.
Creative enrichment programs often have a limited number of spots available and this will be specified on the sign-up sheet(s).
Q? Why are there limited spots and different prices for Creative Enrichment programs such as Bitty Ballet and KIMA?
These classes are taught by outside instructors who set their own rate for a 4 or 5 week program. These classes are limited in size to ensure we are adhering to state requirements for student to teacher ratios while providing your child when an interactive and fun learning experience.
Q? Do you offer enrichment activities on days that there is a snow delay, early dismissal, or conferences?
We do offer Kickstart and creative enrichment on days that we have a snow delay. E-mail and facebook announcements will be made regarding offered activities on snow delay days.
Q? Where do I purchase Punch Cards?
Punch cards can be purchased at the convenient location outside the yellow room on the enrichment wall.
Q? How much are discounted Punch Cards?
KICKSTART : $115 for 5 sessions OR $235 for 10 sessions
LUNCH BUNCH : $135 for 10 sessions
Q? Where do I keep the Punch Card(s) after I purchase them?
Derry Preschool will hold onto your Kickstart and Lunch Bunch punch card in a binder. A note will be sent home in your child’s backpack when there are only 2 sessions left on the specified card. Zumba punch cards will be attached to your child’s backpack.
Q? If my child does not have a punch card, can he/she still attend an enrichment program?
YES. Just place your child’s cash or check payment in the box that is located in both the upstairs hallway and the lower level beside the creative enrichment room.
Q? If I send my child to an enrichment program and I forget to send payment, what happens?
Your child will still attend the activity. You will receive an envelope in your child’s backpack with instructions to place payment in the envelope and put the envelope in the ‘extended day payments’ box, which is located on the wall by Parent’s Place.
Q? Can a child attend a DP enrichment program if they are not enrolled at Derry Preschool?
YES. Please contact the DP office and let them know what program(s) you are interested in.